Welcome to the Lament Configuration, a ring of web pages devoted
to Clive Barker's novels, films, short stories, plays, and art.
The Lament Configuration is an ever expanding ring of pages
designed to allow websurfing Barker fans to easily get their fix just by clicking the
"next" icon found at the top or bottom of each page.
Sage Weil pioneered this concept with the groundbreaking WebRing, and has generously
allowed us (and many others) to utilize the WebRing CGI scripts. If you need an
excellent, free Guest Book, I recommend Sage's new
Dream Book.
What you'll find here...
- If you are already part of the Configuration, and need to edit your site's
attributes (URL, your e-mail address, site description, or password), enter your
site ID and password below:
How to join the Configuration...
Here are the steps that need to be followed to join the Lament
Configuration. Please follow them closely to preserve the integrity
of the ring!
- Review the Important Tips found below!
NOW! If you do not read this material carefully, there is
a good chance that your site will not be added to the ring. Don't waste your time submitting your site without checking
the Important Tips!
- Save a copy of the four Configuration graphics (lament.gif,
lcnext.gif, lcprev.gif, and lcrand.gif) you see below. DO NOT reference
them off someone else's server unless you've asked them for permission
- Add the below HTML fragment to your homepage.
You will need to look at the source of this page to view the
HTML Fragment.
Then just copy it into your page.